
Deborah Wake, MBChB, BSc, PhD, Clin Ed Dip
University of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian, Scotland, UK

DR DEBBIE WAKE is a Clinical Reader at the University of Edinburgh and UK NHS Diabetes Consultant, (MBChB, BSc, PhD, Clin Ed Dip), and CEO/Co-Founder of MyWay Digital Health (MWDH). She has a keen interest in internet/ IT solutions to support diabetes, and leads national UK programmes including: MyDiabetesMyWay (MDMW), Scotlands national diabetes data-driven self-management/ education platform (>50,000 patients registrants, demonstrating clinic improvements and 5:1 ROI), and national project on diabetes artificial intelligence. She has also led international diabetes programmes in Kuwait and China, was a national newspaper health columnist and TV doctor. She co-founded MWDH (University of Dundee spin out company) in 2017 with a vision is to improve the lives of people with diabetes globally through affordable data-driven clinician/ patient facing solutions (UK, Middle East and USA). Debbie is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion, an NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellow and a 2019 IUK Women in Innovation Award winner.