Patricia Salber, MD, MBA
Health Tech Hatch & The Doctor Weighs In, Larkspur, California
Patricia Salber MD, MBA is a physician executive and entrepreneur. Her company, The Doctor Weighs In, is a multimedia company with the mission of helping healthcare leaders and innovators tell their stories to the world. She uses video, radio, social media, and her very popular blog, The Doctor Weighs In, to reach a global audience of hundreds of thousands of people with her stories. In the past, Dr. Salber has worked in almost every aspect of healthcare starting as a double-boarded Emergency Physician at Kaiser Permanente, years as a physicians Executive for Kaiser's corporate headquarters, and various leadership roles with employers, such as GM and health plans, such as Blue Shield of California. She also serves as an advisor to a number of early stage companies and not-for-profit organizations. She trained at UCSF in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, and Health Policy. She was the founder and President of Physicians for a Violence-free Society. She has published widely in both peer-reviewed journals, trade press, and popular press. Her book, The Physicians Guide to Violence Prevention was the first book for physicians on the topic.