Jan S. Krouwer PhD
Krouwer Consulting, Sherborn, MA
Jan Krouwer has a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry from MIT and was a postdoctoral fellow in biochemistry at New England Medical center. He has over 40 years of experience in the IVD industry. Dr. Krouwer created an internal consulting group for Ciba Corning to provide services in statistics, reliability, clinical trials, and software development for data analysis. In 2001, he became an independent consultant. Dr. Krouwer has published widely in the area of laboratory statistics and is the author of two books published by AACC Press. He has helped to develop several Evaluation Protocol (EP) standards for CLSI (a standards organization for laboratory medicine). His recent interest has been in performance standards and analysis methods for glucose meters. He has a blog about laboratory quality at https://jkrouwer.wordpress.com/