Kristin Castorino, DO, BC-ADM
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute, Santa Barbara, California
Dr. Castorino is a Senior Research Physician at Sansum Diabetes Research Institute. Dr. Castorino received her medical degree from Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Vallejo, California, followed by a traditional rotating internship with the University of Nevada Reno’s Family Medicine Program and Internal Medicine residency at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. With mentorship from Dr. Lois Jovanovič, Dr. Castorino’s primary research interests include diabetes and pregnancy, diabetes technology and artificial pancreas research. Dr. Castorino was an investigator for the CONCEPTt study and is currently an investigator for the LOIS-P Study (NCT03761615) as well as Automated Insulin Delivery in Pregnant Patients with Type 1 Diabetes with Extension Into Outpatient at Home (NCT04492566). Dr. Castorino has served as an investigator for a multitude of CGM accuracy studies over her 13 years at SDRI, and has been delighted to move into evaluation of continuously monitoring alternate analytes such as continuous ketone monitoring.