Abstract Submission Guidelines
Submission Opens: April 1, 2025
Deadline for submission: July 1, 2025
Acceptance Notification: August 29, 2025
Abstract Topic Areas
Researchers are encouraged to submit an Abstract of their work on diabetes
technology, including but not limited to any of the major topics of the meeting.
Selection Criteria
- Material must not have been presented or published previously.
- All applications must be submitted using this online submission process.
- Abstracts must contain data.
Abstract Format and Required Information
Please use the sample abstract available here when preparing your submission.
Each abstract should be no more than 275 words, and should fit on a single 8.5x11 page when formatted as specified in the sample abstract. The title and author listing does not count as part of the word total. The abstract must be organized into four distinct paragraphs:
- Objective
- Method
- Result
- Conclusion
Please capitalize the first letter of all key words in your title. Do not include supplemental pages, photographs, tables, or references.
We strongly suggest that you format and save your abstract in an offline word processing program before pasting it into the online submission form. Please use only Times New Roman font.
Corresponding Author and Co-Authors
You may identify up to ten authors for this application. In all cases, the first author listed is considered the corresponding author. All correspondence from Diabetes Technology Society regarding this submission will be directed to the corresponding author. This corresponding author MUST fill in the FULL name, email address, postal address, and mobile phone number for each author. All academic degrees must be included for every author. If an author holds NO degree, please specify NONE. Author and co-author names and academic degrees will be published in a special section of Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.
NOTE: All fields are required for additional authors. Please do not use first author's email address for additional authors.
Before you submit your Abstract
We require you to have the following information prepared before you begin the abstract application process:
- Complete names, including ALL academic degrees, for each author. If none, specify NONE.
- Email addresses for all authors.
- Mobile phone number for all authors
- Permanent mailing addresses for all authors.
- A spell-checked abstract that conforms to the sample available here.
Abstract Submission
You will receive confirmation via e-mail when your submission is received, but this is not confirmation that your presentation has been accepted. After the submission deadline, a unique tracking number will be provided for all submissions. Please use this number in all correspondence regarding your application. NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION WITHIN 72 HOURS OF SUBMISSION, THEN YOUR APPLICATION MAY NOT HAVE BEEN TRANSMITTED CORRECTLY. IF THIS OCCURS, THEN PLEASE CONTACT ABSTRACTS@DIABETESTECHNOLOGY.ORG.
Selection for Poster Session
All submitted abstracts will be considered for poster presentation. The corresponding author may choose to have their abstract considered for oral presentation. The Planning Committee will review the abstracts and contact the authors whose work they want to incorporate into the overall meeting program.
Selection for Student Research Prize
All abstracts first-authored by a student are eligible to compete for the Student Research Award. A prize will be awarded to each of the top three abstracts first-authored by a student. In addition to money, the first student author of the top three abstracts will each receive free registration to the meeting. The Gold prize winner will also be invited to give an oral presentation during the meeting. Student Research Award cash prizes are: Gold $1000 / Silver $500 / Bronze $300
Publication in Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
Accepted abstracts will be published in the March 2025 issue of JDST.
Click here to submit your abstract through the abstract submission form.